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Copy & Paste Game #2

Posted: 07:26PM Sep 11, 2020
Avatar for SqueeLover SqueeLoverA
Posts: 1663

If Revali couldn't beat Windblight, he couldn't have beaten Ganon,

Sunshine glistening, the illumination eyes see forming pictures and pictured Forms. Seeing eyes illuminate the glistening shining sun.
Posted: 07:21AM Sep 12, 2020
Avatar for AlienChipBrain AlienChipBraingus
Posts: 1807

Oompah Loompah doompety zem
Sekh redeseekay prahchizahl ben shem
Oompah Loompah doompety zeeoy
Khoy (kenem) ge'dahnet bopilelem hevteeoy

My wiki trail is now public! :D
Posted: 09:13AM Sep 12, 2020
Avatar for SqueeLover SqueeLoverA
Posts: 1663

And if I stand let me stand on the promise that you will pull me through

Sunshine glistening, the illumination eyes see forming pictures and pictured Forms. Seeing eyes illuminate the glistening shining sun.
Posted: 04:18PM Sep 16, 2020
Avatar for Yeesha Yeeshagus
Posts: 409

The French Revolution - 1789-1799

The background causes of the French Revolution
The ideas of the Enlightenment
The French crisises of finances - national bankruptcy, poverty (1 in 3 people, starving/destitute, prices raised - cost for food took about 88% of their budget. Wealthy nobility didn't pay much taxes and made it worse), and the tax system was bad (taxed the poorest people in the country and not the better classes at all. That was based ont he idea that the landed nobility would provide horses and stuff to the government instead). Majority of people were farming, and a few bad harvests in a row combined with bad government discisions led to this.
The American revolution had a large impact on the French revolution, since they could hear about it in the papers and from those who went to the colonies to help (these people became convinced that a government based on the ideas of the enlightenment was possible, i.e. there was no monarch, and the self-governing rights).
There was a rigid, outdated social system in France. It had a thing called the Estate System. Everyone (25 million people) wer ein one of three groups - the clergy (150,000), the nobility (350,000-400,000) who owned 25% of the land, and the everybody-else group. That group was split into the peasants, the Sans-Cullotes (the working poor, called that since they didn't wear cullotes), and the Bourgeoisie (prosperous educated people who weren't in the clergy or nobility). The estate you were in definied your entire life.
Louis XVI called a meeting with the estates general into meeting in 1788, just to talk about some new taxes he wanted to pass. Big mistake - none of the people were satisfied with the status quo,and wanted a change

Differences between the French and American revolutions
-The French revolution became much more violent towards it's own people (esp during the Reign of Terror), sicne they want to throw off the entire way of life and history that they had always had.
+The French had no experience with self-governments
-The American Revolution was just a war for independence
+The Americans could skirt the British laws because of hwo far away they were, so they had experience with self-government

The Tennis Court Oath of June 1789
Louis the 16 had called in the estates general at the Palace of Versailles. There was an indoor tennis court where people met (there was nice seating for hte nobility but not for the 3rd estate), sot hey met in the tennis court. The oath was where the members of the 3rd estate said they woudl not stop meeting until they had written a constitution for France. Louis didn't like that but he couldn't stop it. On July 14 everyone stormed the Bastille (french celebrate that as Revolution day)

Stages of the Revolution
-Moderate (1789-1792)
3rd estate members want mainly a constitutional monarchy. Relatively little violence. They got rid of the leftover remnants of feudalism (made the nobility pay taxes). They made the "decliration of the rights of man", i.e. their bill of rights. That thing declared property to be a natural right, it said people had personal freedoms, inc. freedom of religion, it called for equal treatment of french people under the law, and it said that the true governing power should reside in the people not the monarch.
They removed the church from its priviledged position (confiscated church lands)
They wrote the constitution (Constitution of 1791), so that some people could vote, it called for hte seperation of powers, and it deprived hte king of most of his power. They weren't opposed to monarchy, they just didn't want him to be the only power-holding.

This was not the end of the revolution because some political clubs (like political parties) formed. They had never been allowed to talk about politics before, so some clubs were just moderate, but many were increasingly moderate. Maximillian Roxue?-Pierre was the leader of one of the radical clubs.
Also, the nobility lost some of their priviledges. They had relatives in other countries, so they left and told the people in other countries how bad they were being treated.
The revolution was loudly critiscized by the Catholic church. The majority of average people were still loyal to them, so when the pope spoke against it people started to listen.
-the Reign of Terror
Louis the 16 was executed in January 1793, Marie-Anotnette in October 1793
Lasted from fall 1792 to early 1794. It was a republic (king was executed), Maximillian led this. There was a "committee for public safety", basically the peopel who got rid of anyone who was suspected to be "disloyal" to the republic.
3 colored flag stands for Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. If you didn't wear a ribbon/flag then you could actually be questioned/persecuted for that. Everyone had to refer to each other as "citizen", if you forgot that was cause for questioning too. Maximillian wanted to get rid of EVERYTHING French, persecuted Christianity, closed a lot of churches. He changed the entire calendar, new month names and even starting with "year 1" starting with the revolution dates.
Around 40,000-60,000 people died, in fact the gillotine was invented for this
- Antone Lavoisier was a member of the nobility, a famous scientist who is credited with making the metric system and founded modern chemistry. He had been helpful to the french army (improved gunpower for them). But he made a mistake in 1768 (20 years before), because he invested his family's fortune in "the tax farm", and anyone who was affiliated with the tax farm was arrested and died.
Everything got super out-of-hand

-Directory (unsuccesfully trying to govern without a king)
A council of 5 or 6 members who came up with a new constitution (the constitution of 1795). Everyone had gotten tired of the lack of stable government, and didn't really like this.
Things about the council - one person had to leave every year, so they drew straws to determine that
In Nov 1799, Napolean Boneparte stepped in, ended the directory and the revolution, and took the reigns of power. He had had the opportunity to rise up and become a big military person, so people liked him and they welcomed what would be a military dictatorship. (People choose stability without freedom rather than freedom with instability and chaos). He did stuff off and on for the next years.

Overall results
It did away with the old economic order
It did away with the old social order
It ended absolute monarchy (some monarchs abused their power later on but they weren't allowed to for long)
It marked the end of an era in Europe
Secularization idea settles down

(look I'm listening to these history videos on 1.5 speed, of course I'm going to misspell things)

"my Cat ate a Bonk and bouncy on the street into splat tree pls refund"
Posted: 05:01PM Sep 16, 2020
Avatar for SqueeLover SqueeLoverA
Posts: 1663

group of nomadic tribes

Spoke related languages

Sunshine glistening, the illumination eyes see forming pictures and pictured Forms. Seeing eyes illuminate the glistening shining sun.
Posted: 08:05AM Sep 17, 2020
Avatar for Rove_Tarts Rove_Tartsbgl
Posts: 2221

(It's a space)

Fake The Disco!
Posted: 10:08PM Sep 17, 2020
Avatar for whoviandeb whoviandebAus
Posts: 1262

Has a tendril

It's a disease, not a punch line
Posted: 11:19AM Sep 18, 2020
Avatar for Yeesha Yeeshagus
Posts: 409

He lived in Corisca, an island off the coast of france. Hsi father was descended from italian nobility, and his mother was suposedly very attractive.
his mother always told him he was special, and napolean knew he was important

They were not wealthy, but they were of noble birth.
Napolean had a sense of honor and a belief in family. Napolean got in fighs a lot, bu thta ta was encouraged on the island. At 9 he got a sholarship to study at a military school in France. He wanted to be a soldier and immediately took charge of everything he did and excelled in being a soldier. But he was always an outsider because the other people in the school were from wealthier families, so he sought to excell in everything.
At 15, in 1784, he moved to Paris to study at Ecole Militare (one of 4 of the best schools). He studied a ton about famous people, and about firepower.
At 16 he became an officer. He believed in a french republic, and fought against reinstating the old monarchy.
In 1793 at Toulon, he made a great attact, and all the trips drove the british from the fort and harbor. he led everything himself, leading by example and taking the greatest risks. At 24 he was made brigadier-general.
Less than a year later he was jailed for a little while by politica enimies, and then he was in Paris without a command. In 1795 he was called in to stop a Royalist mob, so he shot cannons to stop them.
He was given command of the French army in Italy, and there he met a woman Josiphine. She was a member of parisian high society, and Napolean fell in love with her. She looked on their relationship in a buisnesslike way, and she wasn't sure about it. after less than a year they were married on March 9, 1796.
Only days later, he lef to command his Italian troops. The army was really bad and underfed but he had 1000 confidence. He persuaded and was friendly and/or harsh with people, doing everything to get them to follow him.
Then the French had victory and started a conquest. In less than a year the defeated 4 armies bigger than his. He returned to France and decided to confront the British by conquering Egypt. In july 1798 he destroyed Egyptian forces. Then he strudied Egypt to learn it's history (found the Rosetta stone)
But then he learned that Austria, Britain, and Russia had formed against France, so he returned to Paris.
The Frenchwere losing faith in their government and wanted a strong leader, so he made alliances with people and seized power.
He changed all the laws to make France better. He understood peace and civilianity and tried to fit that into his laws. Everyone loved and despised him, for his ever-working and simple personality.
His wife was a hige influence on French society. She redecorated Malaison and made it a relaxing place. Napolean left again to go to Paris since he was also a commander, but he promoted peace. He led everyone to glory. But he fell prey to his own temptations for glory and power.
- Napolean is credited with reorginizing the French taxation and banking systems, and he encouraged industrial development.
In 1800 he was declared "consul for life" but in 1804 he changed it to "Emperor of the French" and then declared himself the King of Italy. On december 2, 1804. He crowned himself literally, and people startined thinking he was going to be a monarch which is what he had been fighting against, right?
He marched a lot of troops, and he had to pay for all their upkeep. His empire was the biggest since the Roman empire. He had no heirs in 1809 and was so sad that he wanted to divorce her. She was forced to accept it even though they had been together for 14 years.
He then maried the Arch-duchess of Austria, Marie-Louise. In 1811 she had a son named Napolean, given the title "King of Rome". ---Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely---

His first mistake was "The Continental System". The rivalry between France and Great Britian, since Britian controlled the seas and challenged him. This system banned them from all the French prots, and stopped neutral countries from trading with them. He didn't know that all the other countries were suffering too, and they all got around the laws. Then Portugal and Spain joined Britian and tried to defy him. Arthur Wellsley, the future duke of Wellington, was who they commandeered to lead thier (Britian's) troops at the Iberian Peninsula. Napolean was in Paris and left that task to his troops, and he lost every time. Then in 1812 Napolean decided to invade Russia, who lured him into the lands and then it was winter. He lost 500,000 out of 600,000 men. At the battle of Leipzig in October 1813, his weak army was defeated and he fled back to paris. He went to Fontainebleau palace. He tried to eat poison but he gets sick but not dies. He advocates the throne and king Louis the 18 is crowned king. He goes into exile on the island of Elba in a corned of the Mediteranean sea. But he claimed he would return to France. The island was tiny and poor and bad. He was allowed to keep 1000 men and control the island's economy, but he was always under the scrutiny of a British commisioner. However the reign of Louis the 18 failed since he tried to get rid of the revolution stuff. Less than a year later, when the British guy left on a breif trip to Italy, he took his 1000 men, commandeered 7 small ships, and sailed to France.
On March 1, 1815, he landed and traveled through the alps to avoid royalist settlements. People started showing up and were happy,and some people even wnated to march with him.
In paris Louis sent troops to confront him, but Napolean's troops were getting bigger too. When he met the troops he went out to them,b y himself, unarmed, and exposed himself and said "shoot me if you would shoot your commander". They all turned loyay to him and Louis fled the country in the night. Everyone cheered him. Everyone wanted to get a million men to march on France to detroy him, but Napolean raised an army in 3 months while everyone else was still getting organized.
Then his spies said that in Belgium, British, Prussian, and Belgian armies were gathering. So he decided to immediately act and fight them. The British army and the Prussian army together was 210,000 men, and he only had 125,000. But the two armies were divided by dozens of miles (100,000 people and 110,000 people).
On June 16 he hurt the Prussians. On June 17 he went after the British, but the Duke of Wellington didn't wnat to fight them alone so he fled. They chased him but then there was a huge storm so all the roads were closed. The Duke went to the city of Waterloo, and on the 18th Napolean went confidentally to fight. He didn't know that the Prissians had regrouped 10 miles away and were marching towards the city to help. When they came, he realized he had misjudged them. Wellington had studied warfare so he knew all the stuff Napolean would do.
So Napolean brought out his undefeated Imperial Guard (men who served valiantly, his best men). At 7 PM he led them himself to the men, but he turned them over to his field commander since they said he shouldn't go personally. Wellington had hidden some of his army behind a hill and W waited there too. The French marched right towards them, and when they were close enough, W gave the command to stand and fire. The guard tried to keep going, stayed in ranks, but it was too much and they tried to retreat. Everyone was panicking then and they all ran. Then the British Infantry charged, and the Prussians showed up and charged too. So Napolean went back to Paris under the protection of the guard.
On June 22, 1815 he abdicated again and went to St. Helena, where he spent 6 years before he died on May 5, 1821. His body was taken back to Paris and buried in a lot of glory.

"my Cat ate a Bonk and bouncy on the street into splat tree pls refund"
Posted: 01:09PM Sep 18, 2020
Avatar for Yeesha Yeeshagus
Posts: 409

"my Cat ate a Bonk and bouncy on the street into splat tree pls refund"
Posted: 01:37PM Sep 18, 2020
Avatar for Rove_Tarts Rove_Tartsbgl
Posts: 2221

3rd - Alice


Fake The Disco!
Posted: 02:11PM Sep 18, 2020
Avatar for AlienChipBrain AlienChipBraingus
Posts: 1807

My wiki trail is now public! :D
Posted: 01:08PM Sep 19, 2020
Avatar for SqueeLover SqueeLoverA
Posts: 1663

But now you've gone and left me all alone

Sunshine glistening, the illumination eyes see forming pictures and pictured Forms. Seeing eyes illuminate the glistening shining sun.
Posted: 08:08PM Sep 20, 2020
Avatar for KDestroyer9 KDestroyer9Aus
Posts: 1555


"No one has ever changed the world by doing what the world has told them to do." – Eddy Zhong
Posted: 05:45AM Sep 21, 2020
Avatar for SqueeLover SqueeLoverA
Posts: 1663

Pizza crust dipped in ranch

Sunshine glistening, the illumination eyes see forming pictures and pictured Forms. Seeing eyes illuminate the glistening shining sun.
Posted: 08:04AM Sep 21, 2020
Avatar for Stat_Rover Stat_Rover*
Posts: 100

(Ubljnx) Yng ytvm: Rhn nlxw Jnbi jnbi by rhn tkx Ljnxx ehoxk paxg rhn vhnew atox uknmx yhkvxw Vtxlxk Vbiaxk

Awoooo... sorry
Posted: 03:21PM Sep 21, 2020
Avatar for AlienChipBrain AlienChipBraingus
Posts: 1807

P.S if I was the boss then the round would not have started when it did because I was not online yesterday.

My wiki trail is now public! :D
Posted: 04:50PM Sep 21, 2020
Avatar for SqueeLover SqueeLoverA
Posts: 1663


Sunshine glistening, the illumination eyes see forming pictures and pictured Forms. Seeing eyes illuminate the glistening shining sun.
Posted: 08:19AM Sep 22, 2020
Avatar for AlienChipBrain AlienChipBraingus
Posts: 1807

My wiki trail is now public! :D
Posted: 09:08AM Sep 22, 2020
Avatar for Stat_Rover Stat_Rover*
Posts: 100

Gnv grol: Y znfm kyk!

Awoooo... sorry
Posted: 02:43PM Sep 22, 2020
Avatar for SqueeLover SqueeLoverA
Posts: 1663


Sunshine glistening, the illumination eyes see forming pictures and pictured Forms. Seeing eyes illuminate the glistening shining sun.
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