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Quiz Returns and Rejections

Posted: 12:18AM Aug 27, 2011
Posts: 12

I agree, much of what I said is rather harsh. I wasn't trying to "(accuse) the QMs of not respecting (me)", although I can see why you got that impression. That was just my honest impression. I wondered if maybe you are paid to review quizzes, and you try to reduce authors' scores by returning quizzes to make the authors less competitive to replace you.

I would've liked to make comments in the "ask a QM" forum, but the site doesn't give me enough space. It only lets me write 192 characters, which is two lines worth of Word space. My explanation of using "And" at the beginning of a sentence in a previous post is five lines in Word, so Braingle's site doesn't even let me write half that much in "ask a QM" forums. Maybe consider changing the site to give people enough space to explain things to QMs.
Posted: 03:33PM Aug 27, 2011
Avatar for Hrsemn4 Hrsemn4Aus
Posts: 513

Sadly Rob,
We are not paid...LOL. One can dream though. I will approve a quiz as soon as I think it is ready. Occasionally, there have been issues which I thought could pass, but other QMs had a bigger problem. The lowest percentage of my QM score came about because I approved a couple of quizzes too soon. The only "reward" a QM gets for reviewing a quiz is a couple of points added to our score. The score is not much more than bragging rights. So never fear, when we return a quiz, it's because we honetly believe there is an issue that needs to be addressed. When we approve a quiz, we are 99% sure it is as close to error free as we can make it. We'll get you published, I promise!!

As for the "Ask a Qm Forum", you should have no more character limit than any other forum. I think you may be confusing it with the "comments to the Quizmaster" section while editing a quiz.

Try this to be sure:
Go to "Public Forums" > "Ask a Question" > "Ask a Quizmaster"

That's a perfect area to raise a question about a QM's review. You can also get help from QMs and other users if you find yourself stuck fleshing out a question or explanation.

If you need to leave us a specific note about a question in your quiz, you can do so in the "comments to the Quizmaster" sections while editing that particular quiz. There should be a section for each question as well as another section for the overall quiz. Those are limited to a smaller amount of text, which is why I think that is what you are referring to.

Despite the tones (both real and presumed) throughout the coverage of this issue, I am happy that we get to clear up some misconceptions about what the QMs do. We are not a shady secret inner circle on Braingle, our workings are open to anyone who wants to ask. If you or anyone else is curious about the quiz review/publishing process, feel free to ask anything you like and we'll do our best to explain.

I look forward to reviewing your quizzes, Rob, the current one and whatever future ideas you come up with.

Feel free to PM anytime if you have questions or need quiz advice!

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