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And this is the president *POP* And this is that meinie Jim from lunch *POP* And this my boss who took away my raise for "childish behavor"... *pop* Caption by geninkitty
She loves me . She loves me not Caption by linda2
I get over a drink addiction, a drugs addiction, a sex addiction- but I will DIE A BUBBLE WRAP ADDICT! Caption by canse912
bush.., before his state of the union address Caption by june12
(After being insulted by his bosses) "You think you pompous airheads can make me feel down? Take that, and that..." Caption by plain_jane
What do they do in theropy these days? "It all started when I was four..." Caption by frenzy1
Fifty-two.. fifty-three.. fifty-four.. .... fifty-four.... ..... fifty-four... Caption by Signe
5 bubbles popped, ten million more left. Caption by Thinker1995
I can't believe they fired me. This'll show 'em. Let's see them try to ship anything once I'm gone! Caption by Tommy290
My mom never got over me growing up........this is my punishment (She wants them ALL BROKEN) Caption by slvbplayer15
His prom date dumped him. Caption by
I wonder if this is what the packagers for ups do on there spare time when they don't have anything to package. Caption by kp52
Maybe tomorrow I won't wear the $2,000 suit and the $1,000 shoes and the $200 tie and the silk socks... Caption by JimW
And this one is Mr. Humphreys in accounting, and this is Mrs. Singleton in HR... Caption by
the power was out.I had nothing to do,besides this. Caption by Max34480
Stephen: Mark, you are SO weird. Mark: You're an idiot yourself. Stephen: Well you're...right. :( Caption by brain23
Just POP the bubble, POP the bubble, baby! POP the bubble, POP the bubble baby! Man:I'm not a baby! i'm just alone, sad,retarted, and obsessed with bubble wrap... Caption by srpwuzhere
"One more pop... okay... it will be better with 10 more pops!" ---OCD in the office Caption by clearisacolour
The underwear my company provides is not that comfortable. Let's think of an alternative cloth fiber... Caption by zukoca
theres only 1,000,000 left before i get my raise to two bucks an hour Caption by brainknot
They told me if I popped ALL of the bubble wrap, they'd let me keep my job at McDonalds! Sweet! Caption by wannamarryharry
One, two, three, now, let's see how many are left... Caption by Davegle
I knew I shouldn't have let my mother get me a job! Caption by naturegirl741
See Tommy, this is way more entertaining than any stupid expensive video game, and it's cheap! Caption by bighead1999
Joe learned to like getting sent to the naughty corner. He always found some sort of stimulation... "Hahaha, jokes on them..." Caption by Becka
The George Bush IQ test Caption by tuckpaw
101, 102, 103, 104... Only 50,768 left. Caption by poley857
With a large surplus of unaccounted money and an old debt to his college drinking buddy, the CEO decided to bring in his old friend, dress him up in a suit, and keep him busy the only way he knows how. And for $90,000 a year! Caption by
George Bush's plan to create more jobs and solve unemployment in the upper class is going very well... Caption by ickybana5
This is better than any marriage counseling. Caption by
Looks like I'll be working late again, honey. Caption by granny3g5b
My new therapist told me that this will calm me. AHHH haha its kinda working Caption by chocolatecake
This is hard to resist. Caption by Natrix
How the heck do they get the air in there? Caption by bugkillerbubba
BUBBLES!!! BUBBLES!!! Caption by
Pretty pretty, shiny shiny, POPPY POPPY!!! Caption by Madelulabelle
The politically correct method of breaking wind at the office. Caption by standup
bubble wrap: No matter how old you are, you're always entertained. Caption by FrodoBaggins
$300 Dollars a weeks for my Anger Manegment class and they make me POP BUBBLES WRAP!!!! Caption by everyday4jesus
So much for the promotion. Caption by Damascus
..And this bubble represents the network *POP* Cancel MY show, will you?! Caption by Lyana
They said I was going to be in charge of packing, but this isn't quite what I had in mind... Caption by teddybair
i use these little air pockets to simulate stress popping out of me bit by bit. can you hand me that other roll over there? i need to finish my pre-lunch bubbles ASAP. Caption by Caboose-1
So easy, even a caveman can do it... Caption by IB247
Demanding, he says...hi-tech, he says...crucial positioning, he says... Caption by BMEUP2PLZ
With this amazing bubble wrap, and a roll of DUCT TAPE!- I could RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!! Caption by dirtdummy
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