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Does this milk taste funny to you? Caption by 1deadcat
Daisy got drunk...and decided to get a tattoo...things got WAY out of hand...or...hoof... Caption by Werekat
You should see the milk! Caption by perrygf
What, You've never heard of cowmouflage? Caption by bmeskill
Occasionally, the farmer's acid trip gets a little weird. Caption by orangesali
Utterly stimoolating Caption by calvinoTX
Yeah, when I asked for an eco-friendly vehicle that was decorated with flowers for promotional reseons, I meant a car. Caption by flutflutflyer
Maybe if I just blend in with the meadow, like this... that amorous farmer in the OTHER picture won't think about making any mooooves on me. Shhhhh.... here he comes..... Caption by tpg76
It's another piece of hippie art Caption by tiger13
Bovine body painting. How udderly ridiculous. Caption by
You are what you eat. Caption by daintyameba
Blue cheese comes from hippy cows- hippy cows come from Caption by Pat3033
I didn't expect to be the canvas when I joined that art class Caption by nytoca
I think I'd rather be tipped. Caption by sbuske
Rural graffitti. Caption by
What color milk would that be? Caption by hazeleyes17
Yes, I was at Woodstock too! Caption by Clewan
The result of the Pamplona's lesser-known event: "The Painting of the Bulls". Caption by phrebh
so THATS how they make veggie burgers... Caption by oddrey
Ohio Ink. Caption by
My gas smells like flowers. I'm not contributing to global warming. Caption by Hummingbird1
What happens when Paul Bunyan gets drunk . . . Caption by joshmayesh
This may be taking the idea that "you are what you eat" a little too far.... Caption by teddybair
I knew going to Mardi Gras was a bad idea! Caption by Alegna
After Rob's tatooing incident, only the potatoes had eyes for him. Caption by aaronb07
Why tattooo artists shouldn't become farmers. Caption by luckylefty
You are what you eat Caption by
You are what you eat. Caption by thecontroller
When the going gets tough... run through your neighbor's garden while coated in super glue! Caption by reptile5000
All-Organic Beef Caption by 123123123123
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