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Skydiving while on a bike over the water with no parachute seemed like a cool idea 90 seconds ago. Caption by gettalife
And if you stop right here, you'll see the point where I finally realized this is a bad idea. Caption by wettwilly10
if he survives im next Caption by beenz
Stay tuned for another episode of "Good Idea/ Bad Idea" Caption by phreezingsun21
Well, that was a bump. Caption by Icewing
I HOPE THIS IS COVERED BY MY INSURANCE!!!!! Caption by TrivaDiva9898
ET's stunt double on crack. Caption by
ooh. This is going to hurt in the morning. Caption by deltacommander
Look ma I can see god shaking his head at me... oh wait thats not a good thing Caption by chocolatecake
Is it too late to get life insurance? Caption by naturegirl741
Where's the mad scientist when you need him. Gravity x force x speed for this trick = Disaster Caption by dc_bad_boy
Perfect... OH NO! NOT THE TIDE! Caption by
On the bright side, I can enter the paralympics if I'm still alive afterwards. Caption by Thinker1995
Steve had a "What the hell am I doing?" moment a second too late. Caption by Hrsemn4
I can ride my bike with no handlebars, no handl... uh oh. Caption by glowtmickey
New shorts - $25 New Sneaks - $40 New BMX bike - $250 Ruining all three in one shot - Priceless! Caption by bmeskill
"Hey! From this angle that cloud over there looks just like an ambulance!" Caption by OklaT
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