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I'm dreaming of a congested Christmas... Caption by phrebh
...your tax dollars hard at work... Caption by kjean
I think what this is really trying to say is Stop-Going-Slowly. Caption by nerdyiscool
Even the Chicken couldn't cross this road Caption by MrIxolite
Christmas Trees gone techno!! Electrified Mothers. Caption by
What happens to your vision when you have one too many drinks. Caption by lozgordon24
drivers training in 2465 stop at the light wand walk. DRIVE NOW DO IT GO too late. Caption by football_chick
Dad: Look, son! a christmas tree! Son: Dad, that's a collage of stopli-- *CRASH!* Caption by doggie_maddness
but officer, i didn't see the red light back there!! Caption by
heard of a blonde who put up new stoplights? she got stuck in traffic! Caption by coolblue
After the bureaucrats cut through all the red tape, they finally figured out what happened to the transportation budget. Caption by
the city's cheap way of making a christmas tree. Caption by thorax
Abstract art is really out there these days I remember when they used recycled cans Caption by plain_green
Just spreading a little Christmas cheer- with the city lights!! Caption by twixy
Arrested for jay walking . How? I swear it said Walk... Caption by ourhouse34
Which way did he go? Which way did he go? Caption by
New technique. You can't help but stop or slow down to see it. Caption by Aimi
I need another shot! Caption by aresII
Chrismas Trees gone technocolored But it's only June Caption by wannamarryharry
(Blonde driving) OH LOOK AT THE PRETTY LIGHTS (as blonde drives through lights) CRASH!!!!!!! Caption by gh3tt0_gurl
oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, how lovely are your crashes! Caption by JessicaLynn
lights, cameras, accidents... Caption by dirtmonkey
When the London police had to fill their quota for the month, this place was their last resort. Caption by cyberstar5150
Welcome to Rome, where all the roads lead! Caption by Mogmatt16
To hell with this, I'm takin' the bus. Caption by Hrsemn4
Ok, for the first part of your driving test............. Caption by Newf
...while this is your intersection on drugs. Caption by idiot_original
'Go right Billy!' 'It is NOT that way, we just came from there!' 'No, we didn't!' 'We DID!' 'No... Are you sure?' 'YES!' 'Yes what?' 'Yes we came that way!' 'Well I already knew that! OH! Billy, go right!' 'NO! GOOD GRIEF!' Caption by Becka
To go or not to go, that is the question! Caption by goldmare
Welcome to New York! Now try to find your way around. Caption by flutterby
Which way do we go? Which way do we go? Caption by starkgold
moving violation Caption by MCEZEOKE
I should go... or should I stop... or go... or stop... It's driving me crazy! Caption by therealtahu
Now you know what ir like to drive in Mexico Caption by wxman
And they wonder why people drink and drive! Caption by guinness8
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